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Want More Fun, Amazing Years with Your Pup?

Learn How to Help Your Dog Live Longer

Pawsitive Lifespan: How to Help Your Dog Live Longer is an online video course for dog owners who want to help their senior dogs live Longer, Stronger, Happier, and Healthier

Smash the Sick-Cycle That Destroys Health and Ages Your Dog Prematurely 

Your dog doesn't have to suffer from stiff, sore joints, chronic disease, or a sad, slow aging process.

They can live longer, improve their health span, and enjoy truly GOLDEN years...

...but only if you stop the danger deterioration cycle...

$147 Now Only $97

"Thank you so much for what you are doing helping so many people to prolong their fur babies to have a very good quality of life, strong and healthy. - Lupe P, California

"Thank you
so much!! Your channel is super helpful, keep up the amazing work." - Robyn C - Ontario, Canada

"Can't belive how much great info is in here! My dog already looks better and has way more energy. Walking so much better too" - Luca R, Palermo, Italy

What You'll Learn:

The Doggie Life-Extension Diet

  • Real, easy-to-use diet that can help your pup live longer

  • Adaptable for every budget

  • The exact foods and supplements that improve your pup's HealthSpan, and their Life Span

How to Fight Aging at a Cellular Level

  • Revitalize mitochondrial and stem-cell health

  • Fight chronic inflammation + disease from the inside-out

  • Add years to their life, and make their senior years fun, healthy and exciting

How to Help Your Senior Pup Enjoy More Running, Walking, and Playing

  • How to end joint pain at the source (if you don't do this, no supplement or drug will help)

  • The best diet, supplements, exercises, and special nutrients to optimize joint health

  • Give your senior dog the gift of extra YEARS of playing, walking, and running like a puppy again

How to Treat and Beat Chronic Disease

  • Help Fight and Manage Chronic Diseases like CKD, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, and more...

  • STOP the Negative -Cycle that shortens your dog's life

  • START a positive-cycle that helps your senior dog live longer, strong, happier, and healthier

Want to Help Your Senior Dog:

Live Longer and Stronger?

  • Fight Aging at a Cellular Level: Give your dog's body EVERYTHING it needs to produce new, improved STEM cells - Module 2

  • Prevent, and Battle Against, Serious, Chronic Health Problems: The best diets, natural supplements, and care-tips to help your senior pup avoid, or manage, Cancer, CKD, Diabetes, and more... - Module 8

  • Revitalize the Single MOST Important Part of Their Internal Health: The exact foods they must eat daily to rebuild this often-damaged-yet-essential aspect of your dog's internal health - Module 3

  • Drop an Iceberg on Inflammation? Your dog's joints, internal organs, brain, and lifespan are DIRECTLY influenced by inflammation. Control it, and you'll help your senior live longer, and a heck of a lot happier - Module 1

  • Eat Like Royalty While Optimizing Their HealthSpan - what your pup eats is key in how long, and how well, they can live. Learn the best foods, the exact meal plans, and the best food supplements to help them... oh, and you can do this SUPER cheap, easy, and fast

What's Included In

Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials
Daily Practice Exercises
Daily Practice Exercises

Meet Your Instructors


I’m Maeby, Chief Beagle in Charge here at Long live Your Senior Dog

You’ve probably seen my daddy (Vincenzo) and I on our YouTube Channel, or on Facebook. We started the channel because my dad is kinda kooky. He adopts old dogs, falls in love with them, then we work together to help them live longer!

That’s our goal… to help YOUR dog, and millions of senior dogs around the world, live their best life… the life they deserve…

To live longer… and stronger… happier and healthier

That’s why we created this course, Pawsitive Lifespan: How to Help Your Dog Live Longer

Senior dogs CAN live longer, better lives. 


By taking a Full Spectrum Approach to senior dog care. 

We believe the path to a longer, healthier life starts in our food bowl! (This was mostly my idea 🙂)

Plus, there's a bunch of stuff about working with the vet, blood tests, food-supplements, and something about improving our health and fighting against aging at a cellular level... but, I leave all that stuff to daddy.

Luckily, I'm a dog, so I speak DOG fluently. And, ya know what? I've heard from puppers all over the world. They want better lives. Too many older dogs are just left defenseless against aging.

No, we DON'T have to limp around, always in pain.

No, we DON'T have to suffer with those nasty, chronic diseases.

No, we DON'T have to shuffle through our senior years.

We deserve to run and play and steal food off the table and knock over the trash cans and sneak bones out of the freezer...

Sorry, that was my To-Do list... but ALL senior dogs deserve a life like this!

Daddy says it doesn't take expensive supplements or fancy foods or trips to the pharmacy that leave ya with nothin but lint in your pockets.

Look, I don't want to waste your time with a bunch of text. Typing with paws is tough, and I have napping and food thievery to do...

Do you want to help your dog live a healthier, happier, longer life?

Look at your dog... they're getting older, but it doesn't have to mean laying around in pain, depressed, and bored.

Think about a year... two years... five years from now. Do you want those years filled with long, daily walks? Lots of playing? Netflix marathons on the couch under a mountain of blankets?

I don't know your dog personally, but I'm pretty sure they want all these... and the most important thing to them... more time with YOU!

Do you want more walks, more fun days, and more YEARS with them?

Then get this course. It's guaranteed, and we made sure to put in ALL the info you need to help your adult or senior dog live their best life ever... and have more years with you! That's all we really want.

And more treats. 😎🐶

Who Is This Course For?

  • Dog moms and dads who want to help their dog live longer

  • Anyone who wants to make their dog's senior years full of play, long, pain-free walks, and running around like a pup again

  • People who obsess on their dog's health... what they eat... how they poop... how happy and playful they are...

Anyone who wants to:

  • Give their dog truly Golden Years - more walks, more running, more playing, better health

  • Optimize their dog's Health Span - make your dog's senior years fun, exciting, and free of chronic diseases and sore joints

  • Fight against Serious Diseases - what if your pup already has a serious problem like diabetes, cancer, or chronic kidney disease? Use this course to help your senior pup thrive while they fight these diseases

  • Save THOUSANDS on Vet Bills - preventative care at home means spending WAY less at the vet. Not only will you save big, your pup will be healthier

  • Have more time with their fur baby - and, most importantly, not just more time, but BETTER time... even if your dog already has issues, if we can't add more years, you'll make their time with you happy, healthy, and strong

Which Categories Do We Focus On?

  • DIET - this is an ESSENTIAL key to helping your dog live longer

  • Optimizing internal and external health at a cellular level

  • Fighting serious health issues with optimized Mitochondria and Stem Cell Health (and all this is simple and starts in your dog's bowl!)

  • GUT and joint health

  • How to work with your vet to ensure a better HealthSpan

  • ​Senior dog care and longevity tips to make their golden years amazing

  • ​And so much more!

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Anyone unwilling to give their senior dog the best care in the world

  • Dog moms and dads who are satisfied with dumping over-priced commercial food, full of chemicals, fillers, and grains, into their dog's bowl and hoping for the best

help your dog live longer - financial aid for course

Frequently Asked Questions

Will This Diet and Health Plan Be Expensive?


This plan is adaptable for every budget. Even for those who must feed your senior commercial dog food, there are cheap, easy ways to supercharge the quality of their dog's diet, and their health.

We even provide a video, and a printable Infographic, on how to save a ton of money on dog food, vet bills, and dog care.

Will This Take a Lot of Time?


Much like the money-saving tips, we also provide ways to save time, effort, and energy when putting this course to work for you and your pup.

Fast, easy, and cheap... yet INCREDIBLY effective.

Remember, even the course is fast and easy. You'll learn exactly what you need to get started, step-by-step, in the first module. This gives you about 70% of what you need to succeed.

How about all the rest? The diet, the food-supplements, the care?

These can be done in as little as 1-hour a week.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Again, no.

Sure, YouTube is a great source of info. We have a channel with over 10,000-subscribers.

However, we do NOT go into this kind of detail, nor do we reveal all of the info in this course, nor will you find it all packaged in a fast, easy-to-use format.

Also, we can guarantee that the majority of what you'll find in this course can NOT be found on YouTube.

How Much Longer Can I Help My Dog Live?

This is impossible to say.

Every dog is unique. How they were raised... what their diet was like before this course... the type of care they've had... even genetics can play a huge part.

However, if you put this info into practice, you can potentially help your dog live longer. And, more importantly, you will help them live BETTER.

HealthSpan is what's most important.

What is health span?

Well, think of it like this... if your dog is supposed to live until age 15, but from age 12 - 15 they have trouble walking, suffer from hot spots, are lethargic and bored, and they end up with a serious disease, their lifespan (number of years lived) was good, but their Health Span was terrible.

Now, same dog, but they were able to walk, run, and play right till the end. If they ended up with some kind of chronic illness, it had little effect on their happiness and playfulness. If then live their life with very few bad health days, then their HEALTH SPAN is fantastic.

Basically, we want your senior dog to have a longer, happier life that is filled with fun walks, playing with their favorite toys, and a blissful existence with their favorite human... YOU :)

Let's help our dogs enjoy every single day of their lives. Healthy. Playful. Pain-free. Free of chronic disease.

What if your dog already has a chronic disease?

Then this is exactly what they need to thrive while fighting against, or managing, their ailments.

What If I Have Questions?

Need help?

Email us.

WhatsApp us.

It's free. It's unlimited.

General issue or question? Email us.

Need help fast? WhatsApp.

Either Maeby or I will be here to respond ASAP!

60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Absolutely! has a 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Program, then contact us within 60-Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

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Long Live Your Senior Dog does not provide medical, nor veterinary advice. All videos, blogs, articles, information products, courses, and other information are for information purposes only. Consult your vet before making any major changes, or decisions, about your dog’s care.